Entries by Sonya Wilkins

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Why You Need To ‘Play With Clay’

We all need to ground our energies more in this busy and fast life we live in! Is it just me or do you feel like everything and everyone is speeding up at the moment?! Allow the healing benefits of clay to slow you down, breathe…and let your thoughts drop away. Even if you don’t think you are creative, you can benefit from ‘Playing with Clay’…


Shape Shifting Energy For Healing

Shape shifting energy for healing your body & your life is a fun and dynamic tool; why not engage your inner child and start to play with this technique to see what you can gain? Maybe you can develop a new found skill or strengthen a relationship in your life? The possibilities are endless once you learn how to harness and transfer vital, positive energy…

3 Ways To Break Free From The Matrix

So what is YOUR reality? How do you know it is true? How do you know if what you experience every day, when you wake up, is real or an illusion created to keep you from finding an enlightened existence? In this podcast, I show you 3 ways to break free from this illusion called life…